Helping Lawyers
Shape Tomorrow

Our mission is to help lawyers turn their skills into superpowers.

We believe that at this day and age in order to become successful in the legal profession one needs to combine rapid personal develop-ment, set of new, unique skills and quality-driven work ethic.

None of that is thought at law schools.

Breaching this gap MOQQ wants to create happier and wealthier lawyers working for better organised law firms and some very satisfied clients.

Our vision is to create a firm that influences the way in which lawyers are trained and law firms organised.

We constantly challenge ourselves to navigate our clients towards prosperous and safe futures by providing sector specific knowledge on personal and professional betterment. We want to deliver the best knowledge, being on the forefront of our market development.

And we want the WOW effect. Every time.


Quality of lawyer’s outcomes is prioritised by us as the no. 1 long-term, sustainable metric of success. Similarly, our success depends on quality we deliver to our clients.

Our products and solutions will always be oriented at increasing output quality of our clients.

Everything we teach will positively influence the effects of your work. Quality of our services will always be impeccable.


Every interaction is a chance to gather information, assess, implement and improve. We are all learning constantly and deploy knowledge for the benefit of others.

We will systematically gain new knowledge. Our solutions will empower you and your firm to continuously track your progress.

We will evaluate outcomes of each cooperation and learn from them.


By optimising processes and supercharging abilities we want to enable lawyers to achieve more with less effort, giving them additional time to enjoy life outside work.

Driven by principles of empowerment and management 3.0 we will not engage in projects oriented at maximising profitability beyond an acceptable balance.

We will encourage and promote diversity and inclusion policies within law firms and legal organisations.


We want lawyers to feel passionate, engaged and empowered to realise their full potential. We believe that better lawyers will shape better law firms that change the world.

During our work we will boost motivation and engagement, form better teams, improve employee satisfaction and empower lawyers to realise their maximum potential.

We value true passion also internally and strive to find a place within MOQQ for everyone passionate about the legal market.


MOQQ is devoted to protect the environment and make a difference in the fight for our planet. We are 100% paperless, travel as little as possible, employ a set of responsible work practices and involve in climate protection initiatives.

Each year at least 10% of our profit is distributed among organisations that combat climate change.

All of our employees are also encouraged to pursue green initiatives within the firm and with clients.

The essence of our focus is Your Quality.

In the long run, there really is nothing else. The key determinant of your professional success is the quality you deliver. You can enjoy waves of strong repute, beneficial connections, good business ideas or strong marketing influencing your client intake or rates. But if these are not continuously supported by outcomes of the right quality, your efforts are in vain.

Here’s why you should look predominantly on quality when thinking about your business strategy.


It is the best indicator of your performance.

If you or your firm are able to repeatedly deliver outcomes passing your Internal Quality Bar and the Client’s External Quality Bar (provided those are set right) you can assume that the relevant business line is functioning well and the processes of producing the legal service in question are handled in a manner resulting in the desired quality.

On the contrary, repeated cases of outcomes below either your or your client’s quality bars should always be a cause of grave concern.

What exactly is wrong? And why? What needs to be done to correct this?


It is the best driver of growth.

As the famous quote reads ‘Insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting different results‘. So if you want to develop, you must change the way you operate. And consistently improving your quality is the single most powerful change that can bring your firm’s results to the next level. To start, you need to set your Internal Quality Bar at the right level – slightly higher than your current or desired client’s quality bar. And then make sure your firm delivers on that level.

Same principles apply to lawyers. Regularly exceeding what is expected of you is the best predicament to advance your career and reach your goals.

Here the client is your firm or the partner running your team. Also, setting quality bars is much easier as it is a standard practice to set goals or KPIs.


It is the most comprehensive metric.

Quality has one more advantage – it encompasses all aspects of client’s experience with your firm and hence forces you to develop your practice on multiple levels at the same time. The case work, branding, delivery, communication, client relations, what the client sees, hears and so on...

Think what differentiates the most cherished products or services in the world from the rest. Unique specifics? Sure, but not just that. The experience the product or service gives is as important as the product or service itself.

This is by far the most exciting and at the same time the hardest part of you professional journey.

Do you feel passionate about helping lawyers grow? Do you have the skills necessary to help them?

We are constantly developing our network of lawyers passionate about sharing their knowledge of excellence in the practice of law with others. If you would like to advance as a coach, trainer or consultant for the legal sector, contact us and help MOQQ change the legal market.

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