Lawyer’s burnout vs. adequate staffing – what can we do to improve?

I recently had the pleasure to attend a webinar on challenges of frontline workers in current business environment, hosted by Cargill and Beekeper.
One of it’s main points of focus was the effect that current labour shortage crisis has on the wellbeing and motivation of frontline employees. I believe insights from that discussion may directly apply to office workers and thus to my main point of focus, lawyers.
How to practice Client-centrism… and when to stop

Looking at modern legal business models one can rarely escape the feeling that client-centrism is the name of the game; a golden rule followed by most and encouraged by many. Often it is pretty much the only topic of business oriented discussions (as an example, all panels of recent LEAGLEX online summit were devoted to this very topic) and for a good reason. There are strong indications clients will shop around more when looking for a law firm and review their choices more frequently so being more client centric can’t harm us, can it?
Master the hourly rate (or stop charging it…)

Welcome to Legal Business Insights – a cycle of articles covering different aspects of our magnificent legal business. Beware – these are long, technical texts made not to entertain but rather to confuse and provoke critical thought. I wish you a good read and professional success you dream of.